Saturday 29 September 2012

The power of OATS!! BubzBeauty

So everyone who's anyone knows that oats are an amazing grain but what most people don't know is that they are great for you inside and out. Now for the past 18 months or so i've been suffering from a random red blotchy patch on my face (highly upsetting since i've always been blessed with clear skin) it has had a dramatic effect on my self confidence etc etc. I think i've tried everything to get the same smoothness and to try to calm the redness down. Nothing has worked and i feel a little crushed but then I randomly came across a YouTube video by a make-up and beauty guru called BubzBeauty who did a video about using oats (and only oats) as a face exfoliator. I'll link it here :

It basically just advises you to use oats as a facial scrub if you have sensitive skin, or anything unusual is happening to it. I've literally just tried it and the first thing i've noticed is that the redness is toned down and my skin feels super soft :) It feels really soft and coupled with a face cream for sensitive skin (i use Aveeno) and i feel renewed. I'm now hoping that if i continue with it the small patch that is causing me so much damaged self confidence will receed enough for my inner beauty and confidence to shine through!

SO HAPPY!! So i really just want to say thanks to Bubz and her interesting, dynmaic and useful YouTube videos :)

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